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Neal Yard just like a colorful and exotic backyard of your house, just near by Covert Garden with different aura and style. You can have organic salad bar, extoic tea house, world music shop, hair cut and manicure here, and most importantly,worldwide known brand --- "Neal’s Yard Remedies" !

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"Maison Bertaux" on the Greek st., you cannot missed it and have a taste. At the corner of SOHO area, just sit down and see the flow of fashion and chic people came by.

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Better saying is a romantic love stroy than a just a French dessert shop. A French star fell in love with a Austrian man and run their romantic dream with everyone. To taste the sweetness of love by eating dessert...

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I love the sunny light through the window shinning on my table...

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You can eat breakfast of differnt styles / countries, or made your own style breakfast at anytime. Just bring your laptop or your good frined here for enjoying unwind times.

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在英國求學的一年生活中當中不誇張地從抵達的那一天起 幾乎每個月都在當導遊頻繁到我朋友和室友都笑說我副業是私人導遊從我姐, 同事, 朋友,朋友的朋友, BB, 學妹到出版界的同業朋友這次當導遊留下很棒的記錄- 7月出版的”自遊倫敦” 記錄我在倫敦常出沒的愛店, 好像不管在那一個城市,我都會找一個自己喜歡的店當自己家...haha 感謝同業朋友幫我做一個記錄不然我的遊記和照片都只能從跟我同遊的朋友的相簿中看到..... 大家都知道我懶ㄇㄟ如果是我自己的旅行又更加看不到嚕.... 跟大家分享我在倫敦的生活點滴....

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