Designers often try to integrate exotic feeling and styles of different cultures into their collections-so if you are unavailable to travel at this moment, why not follow the creations of top designers and their core concept to explore the world with fashion?
我覺得時尚應該是一種落實在「生活中的美學」,「體驗式的品味」,「貼近個人的風格」,「展現個人的態度」,這才會構成我去購買的衝動,而不是盲目地追隨品牌的logo的光環魅力,其實,品味不需要靠外在的label來加分,平價的快速時尚品牌、no brand的高品質品牌、甚至是路邊攤,我都能穿出自己的風格,自己覺得舒服、自在、自信,feel good and then that’s good!
<Louis Vuitton lets you travel with attitude>
舉凡品牌crossover到旅行的概念,尤其是時尚與旅行的crossover總是令人驚豔!之前,Louis Vuitton之於我,只是一個眾人都要消費或是欲購買的大眾品牌,太多人擁有了,反而我就不想擁有了。但是它的旅行概念廣告吸引我的目光,尤其是雙奧斯卡最佳導演獎的父女檔的廣告,Francis Ford Coppola and Sofia Coppola悠閒地躺在草原上的享受陽光,親吻微風的怡然神情,真的很想令人背起LV旅行包去歐洲恣意地躺在草地上,沐浴在和煦的陽光下,隨意地欣賞街上的人景,閱讀一整天的書,一段自己與自己心靈流動的時間與空間,Does the person create the journey or does the journey create the person? …(廣告和行銷的力量真是大呀!)
What is a journey?
A journey is not a trip.
It’s not a vocation.
It’s a process, a discovery.
A journey brings us face to face with ourselves.
A journey shows us not only the world, but how we fit in it.
Does the person create the journey or does the journey create the person?
The journey is life itself.
Where will life take you?
~ 2008 LV theme for commercial
*Wanna experience the travel feast of Louis Vuitton?Link to
*Wanna listen to the travel sound of Louis Vuitton? Link to WWW.LOUISVUITTONSOUNDWALK.COM
<agnes b. provides an experimental travel mood>
喜歡agnes b.的歷史已經10年了,在大家還不是很清楚這個品牌的時候,我已經為這個品牌呈現出的黑白印象、crossover cinema、世界音樂,以及每年每季品牌創辦人Agnes Trouble欲傳達旅行映象深深著迷,我迷戀每季的攝影風格、收集每季明信片、期待這季的window display是那一個國家的氛圍,收集每次agnes b. 贊助影展的海報/CD/手冊/筆記本/週邊商品,穿著城市系列和藝術家系列T-shirt,傳達 “I wish I could go traveling again”的訊息。
想要體驗agnes b.的旅行盛宴?快到台北東區的大安設計人街的巷弄裡agnes b. 的旅遊概念店「La maison sur l’eau」(水上之屋),這裡的樓上市台北總公司的辦公室,樓下是旅行概念店,除了是賣場,更兼具展覽空間的功能,品牌設計師Agnes b.每隔四個月至半年將不同國家的人文風情帶到台灣,透過陳列品和旅行紀念品,繽紛你的旅行記憶!
* wanna explore your travel concept from AGNES B.?
1. Shop :
2. Flower :
3. Café and Chocolate :
Agnes b. CINEMA!
Address : 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, China
Tel: 85225820200
The Agnes b. CINEMA! is located on the basement floor of the Hong Kong Arts Center in Wan Chai. Keeping with the interests of the French designer, the cinema shows a variety of art house, independent, and foreign films. The Agnes b. CINEMA! is also an often-used exhibition venue during film festivals.