August Rush 是一部不管看幾遍都會起雞皮疙瘩,在最後一幕感動落淚的電影...
'Cause if you hadn't found me, I would have found you....

 August Rush- poster.2.jpg
台灣翻成把愛找回來」 (很貼切地帶出電影主題)

  August Rush- poster.jpg

有沒有那麼一個人不管讓你經歷什麼,就讓你還是相信有Fairy Tale?
August Rush在電影中說:有時世界會讓你感到絕望,但我相信音樂就像有人相信童話。」

August Rush- Evan Taylor.jpg 

August Rush在電影中說:我相信音樂是某些人心目中的童話故事。我聽到的話是來自我的父母,也許他們就是這樣相遇的,也許他們會這樣找到我…」他花了11年努力讓自己被看見,因為他相信他的天份音樂就是他與父母之間的溝通,所以他努力讓音樂的溝通管道觸及到他未曾謀面的父母...


片  長:1時55分
導  演:克絲汀莎莉丹 (Kirstan Sheridan)
演  員:【愛情決勝點】強納森萊斯梅爾斯(Jonathan Rhys Meyers)、【不可能的任務三】、凱莉羅素(Keri Russell)、 【巧克力冒險工廠】佛瑞迪海默(Freddie Highmore)、 【戀愛糾察隊】羅賓威廉斯(Robin Williams)



[From Fan's words]
Sometime, it was hard for me to find words to describe the things which I really liked....
So, please have a look at the link below, you can know about the movie. But, it always be good to see the movie by yourself, you can even listen to the songs which Jonathan Rhys Meyers sang for this movie!
Last but not least, you can see the cute and lovely "Amanda" from "Ugly Betty" in this movie....


Lyla(by Keri Russell),是個美麗又有才氣的大提琴家,在一個意外場合遇見了吉他手路易斯,Louis(by Jonathan Rhys Meyers)充滿魅力又不羈的,相異的成長的背景讓他們無法長相廝守,被迫分開後,萊拉卻發現自己竟然懷孕了。萊拉與父親在一次的爭執中,跑進雨中發生車禍,她以為自己失去了小孩,卻沒想到她父親卻偷偷將這個嬰兒送進了孤兒院。
August Rush- first morning.jpg August Rush- poster 3.jpg 
在孤兒院長大的Evan(by Freddie Highmore) 轉眼就長到了11歲,他對音樂、對於聲音充滿了幻想和感動,他把身邊的風聲、草聲、鳥叫蟲鳴都變成他心中樂章,雖然社工人員要幫他找一個寄養家庭,但是他心中卻一直相信他的父母一定也在某處找尋他,他們一定會一家團圓。
August Rush- Louis.jpg  August Rush- lyla.jpg
堅信一定能找到父母的伊凡,於是逃離了育幼院,在街上遇到了教導一群青少年街頭音樂的街頭藝人威瑟(by Robin Williams),威瑟發掘了伊凡的音樂天份,August有個夢想,他希望能在紐約中央公園四萬多名觀眾的面前,指揮紐約愛樂演奏自己創作的交響樂,而且他堅信自己的音樂,將牽引他找到失散的父母...
August Rush- music 1st.jpg August Rush.jpg
The music is everywhere. All you have to do is LISTEN!
「音樂無所不在,你只要仔細聆聽就會發現了。」 - 奧格斯羅許



強納森萊斯邁爾在片中演唱了三首歌曲,反映出他當下的不同心境,而且在片中都是他的角色路易所創作的,所以一定要是原創歌曲才行。邁爾說:「『Break』這首歌是在路易認識萊拉之前寫的,充滿自信和衝動,年僅十九歲的年輕人,在愛爾蘭樂團的伴奏之下,想要闖蕩美國樂壇。『This Time』是在兩人分開之後才寫的,有種縈繞不去的含蓄特質。最後一首歌曲是『Something Inside』,透露出路易在成年以後,幾經妥協而蛻變的成熟個性,他發覺自己否定命運很久,終於有勇氣繼續向前邁進。」



莎莉丹形容海吉斯的創作風格:「比傳統的演奏更有節奏感,很像是奧格斯第一次拿起吉他的時候會用的方式。」海默在學習吉他的過程中,就是拿已故的海吉斯生前的錄音帶來揣摩的。海默和邁爾在公園裡彈奏的曲子,是巴西籍的吉他手海特培瑞拉所譜寫的,曲名是「Dueling Guitars」,由培瑞拉和道格史密斯合奏,製作人是馬克曼辛納。




[Movie soundtrack From August Rush]
01. Main Title - Mark Mancina
02. Bach / Break - Steve Erdody and Jonathan Rhys Meyers
03. Moondance - Featuring Jonathan Rhys Meyers
04. This Time - Jonathan Rhys Meyers
05. Bari Improv - Kaki King
06. Ritual Dance - Kaki King
07. Raise It Up - Jamia Simone Nash and Impact Repertory Theater
08. Dueling Guitars - Heitor Pereira and Doug Smith
09. Elgar / Something Inside - Steve Erdody and Jonathan Rhys Meyers
10. August's Rhapsody - Featuring Freddie Highmore - Mark Mancina
11. Someday - John Legend
12. King of the Earth - John Ondrasik
13. God Bless The Child - Chris Botti and Paula Cole
14. La Bamba - Leon Thomas III
15. Moondance - Chris Botti

 - August Rush - Before and After Us
 - August Rush - Bach / Break (Before meet up)
 - August Rush - This Time (After seperating....)
- August Rush - Something Inside (After seperating 11 years....)
- August Rush - Anywhere
- August Rush - Moondance
- August Rush -
Dueling Guitar (Play guitar together with father and son)
- August Rush - August's Rhapsody (August Rush's creative song)
- August Rush -Strong Enough
August Rush-River Flows in You
- August Rush - Only Hope
- August Rush - Not Seeing That Love -Lyla & Louis
- August Rush - Falling in Love -Lyla & Louis
- August Rush - Think of Me
- August Rush - Cant' have you

[August Rush - Break] by Johnatha Rhys Meyers
I break, I borrow, I live, I loose
I break, I’m hollowed, I’m dead, confused
I’ll find you

What is love and what’s it for
I’m stuck outside an open door
And no one’s come to get me yet
I never got a second bet
I’m welcomed to your fantasy
If only she was make-believe
Oh what is love and what’s it for?
Oh take me back and do me more
Ooh take me back and do me more

I break, I borrow, I live, I loose
I break, I’m hollowed, I’m dead, Confused
I’ll find you

Once you’re here you’re never gone
Oh, once you’re here you’re never gone
I fall from in out the cold
A piece of me that I can’t hold
I love you as I loose you more
I break outside this open door
Catch me as I wash away
Oh, catch me as I wash away
Ooh, catch me as I wash away

I break, I borrow, I live, I loose,
I break, I’m hollowed, I’m dead, confused
I break, I borrow, I live, I loose,
I break, I’m hollowed, I’m dead, confused
I’ll find you

[August Rush - This Time] by Johnatha Rhys Meyers
Tonight the sky above
Reminds me of you, love
Walking through wintertime
Where the stars all shine
The angel on the stairs
Will tell you I was there
Under the front porch light
On a mystery night

I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time

The neon lights in bars
And headlights from the cars
Have started a symphony
Inside of me
The things I left behind
Have melted in my mind
And now there's a purity
Inside of me

I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time

I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time

[August Rush - Something Inside] by Johnatha Rhys Meyers
(Elgar intro)
When the one thing you’re looking for
Is nowhere to be found
And you back stepping all of your moves
Trying to figure it out
You wanna reach out
You wanna give in
Your head’s wrapped around what’s around the next bend
You wish you could find something warm
'Cause you’re shivering cold
It’s the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on
It’s the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

'Cause if you hadn't found me
I would have found you
I would have found you

So long you’ve been running in circles
'Round what’s at stake
But now the times come for your feet to stand still in one place
You wanna reach out
You wanna give in
Your head’s wrapped around what’s around the next bend
You wish you could find something warm
'Cause you’re shivering cold
It’s the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on
It’s the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

'Cause if you hadn't found me
I would have found you
I would have found you

It was your first taste of love
Living upon what you had

It’s the first thing you see when you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

'Cause if you hadn't found me
I would have found you
I would have found you
I would have found you
I would have found you

[August Rush - Someday ] by John Legend

As days go by
and fade to nights
I still question
why you left
I wonder how
it didn’t work out
but now you’re gone
and memories all I have for now
but no it’s not over
we’ll get older we’ll get over
we’ll live to see the day that I hope for
come back to me
I still believe that
we’ll get it right again
we’ll come back to life again
we won’t say another goodbye again
you’ll live forever with me
someday, someday
we’ll be together
someday, someday
we’ll be together
I heard someday
might be today
mysteries of destinies they
are somehow
and are someway
for all we know
they come tomorrow
for today
my eyes are open
my arms are raised for your embrace
my hands are here to mend what is broken
to feel again to walk on the face
I believe there is more to life
oh I love you much more than life
and still
I believe I can change your mind
revive what is dying inside
and someday, someday
we’ll be together
someday, someday
we’ll be together
someday, someday
we’ll be together
we’ll be together
we’ll be together


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