Sep 11, 2012

How do you measure a distance of trip?

In the song of "Night flight", measure the distance by "movies", I used to measure it by movies as well.

Now, I say... How about with patient?

As long as you are patient, no matter how far the trip is, you even will be happy with the night and day outside down.

How do you measure a years of time?

In the movie of "Rent", measure the time by "love", I also used to measure the time by relationship.

Now, I would like to say...
How about with living in the moment. The every moment I am
living it,
feeling it,
learning it!

Be thankful to the universe and destiny which takes you to place to see the different world, the people.

Share with my dear friends, after seeing new movie "the lucky one", re- watched again " Like crazy", "One day", "Rent".....

When you feel the heart is empty.... Then fill in with "patient" and "moment"....

Before heading to the road of light, you have been through the dark road first, then you will cherish the time.

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